Why shoot manual?

Do the following sound familiar?

  • Have you ever wondered how to get this gorgeous blur around a portrait or a flower? There are options now to do this on your phone, but if you look closely, you’ll see that it looks fake.

  • You wonder why some of your photos lack sharpness or are completely blurry?

  • Sometimes you’d like to capture running kids but it just doesn’t work.

  • Or the light is so low at your cousin’s birthday party that all the photos are ruined.

  • You’ve been to a class, bought a book or taken an quick online course and you’re still not getting which settings to choose in a given situation?

  • You have the annoying feeling that everyone takes better photos than you…

If you want to give your photos a very personal and artistic touch, the best way is to shoot manual. If you really want to have fun with photography, all you need is to acquire the knowledge which will lead to total freedom. Whatever you want your photo to look like, you’ll be able to do it with some practice.

I can help you get to this point in just two days. After that, every trial and error will build up your confidence and the quality of your photos. I’ll show you my tricks to make your chosen subject pop, to manufacture the exact image that YOU want.

My method is simple, very descriptive and involved.

“My approach to photography is clear, in-depth, and thorough”


Who is it for?

Anyone from complete beginners to those who have put their camera down for a while and need a thorough review of how it works.


What to bring

A camera that shoots Manual: DSLR or Reflex.
A prime lens (fixed, not zoom) such as a 50mm or a 35mm with a wide aperture (low F stop number on the lens) would be ideal but bring what you’ve got and we’ll explore the possibilities.
Your computer equipped with the photo editing software called Lightroom if you want to have a go at editing. (optional)
A tripod if you want to try it out. (optional)



You will find more about @annabellehickson and her fabulous style on her Instagram. Keep an eye on my feed @the.flo.show for more films and photos of Mandy’s farm.
Feel free to spread the love by sharing this article with our hashtag #tenterfieldwiththefloshow and by tagging me @the.flo.show.


Due to the involved logistics, no cancellations or refunds will be possible unless you find someone to replace you. Please make sure you can make it before booking. We also strongly encourage you to have travel insurance to cover the retreat in the event of strikes, natural disasters, health problems, and other unforeseen events.


The program can be subject to variations depending mainly on the weather. But don’t worry, there will always be a great plan B as exciting as plan A but sheltered :)